Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) has launched new plan on Saturday on its 18th anniversary. The Rs.18 brings unlimited voice call and Data pack access for two days. Plan Rs.1801 BSNL Recharge brings talk time of Rs.2125 and 15GB Data . Rs.1201 Recharge comes with talk time of Rs.1417 and 10GB Data. It competes with Jio Recharge Rs.19 that includes 0.15 GB with unlimited voice call and SMS pack. Advertisement Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) has launched new plan on Saturday on its 18th anniversary. The Rs.18 brings unlimited voice call and Data pack access for two days. Plan Rs.1801 BSNL Recharge brings talk time of Rs.2125 and 15GB Data . Rs.1201 Recharge comes with talk time of Rs.1417 and 10GB Data. It competes with Jio Recharge Rs.19 that includes 0.15 GB with unlimited voice call and SMS pack. Also Read AIRTEL REVISES RS.289 PL...
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